Saturday, October 10, 2009

Victoria, BC Canada

Took a Bus/Ferry tour over to Victoria on Vancouver Island. There were 14 people on the bus, 5 Aussies!!! 6 Canadians, 2 Americans and 1 from Barbados. Vistied the Butchart Gardens and the capitol of BC, Victoria.

Love how they disguise the trash cans with a garden on top

Captain Cook was here

"After two historic Voyages to the South Pacific Cook was cruising the waters of the Pacific Northwest on his third and final voyage. With his two ships, Respolution and Discovery he was searching for the western exit to the legendary Northwest Passage. In March, 1778, they put into Nootka Sound for repairs and to trade with the native people. With him on the voyage were Mr William Bligh as Master of the Resolution and Midshipman George Vancouver."

The majestic Empress Hotel overlooking the Harbor (Harbour)

More photos here


Miss Eddington said...

Man, you have been "Yankified"! They are rubbish bins, not trash cans. Next thing you'll be saying "sidewalk"!

Rod said...

By the way, that was me not Steph - she had been using my computer and didn't log out.

Hoarders Helping Hoarders! Plus Yarns and Tales by Anita Sulcs. said...

Yes Kezza keep the 'Okker' within you. Ooroo Anita