Saturday, October 3, 2009

Slow start

Filled up with gas (petrol) noted the miles on the speedo, stuck in a traffic jam trying to get across Bay Bridge (sigh) and stayed in a dive in the East Bay with no internet!!!!!!!!!. Too tired to get any further.

The Stats for those that are asking
What are you driving? - 2007 Honda Accord.
Any special modifications? - No
GPS? - Yes TomTom.
Cruise Control? - yes (love it!!!)

1 comment:

Hoarders Helping Hoarders! Plus Yarns and Tales by Anita Sulcs. said...

Hi Kezza, Just realised when I was looking at the speedometer that it struck me that there was something strange about it (for many reasons) but mainly you travel in mph and not kph! So our 60kph is your 30mph etc. How long did it take to get used to that? Take care out there... Anita