Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oct 22 - Taliesin :-)

This has been on my bucket list forever. I learnt that Frank Lloyd Wright (FLW) said that you never build on top of a hill because then you dont have the top of the hill. So simple. Some sections of the house need major reconstruction for safety reasons. The parts we saw we fabulous.

The architecture school that is still running. This is the Summer location. The students had already located to the Arizona location for Winter. I will be seeing that on my way back.

Lots more photos here


Unknown said...

Cool Pix! You are doing a great job of documenting your trip for all of us to see! Definitely envious! Keep it up!

Hoarders Helping Hoarders! Plus Yarns and Tales by Anita Sulcs. said...

Trust you to do a road trip with a difference. Way to go. Really enjoying the journey with you. You really must be very chuffed. Anita