Saturday, March 10, 2007

I cant believe it....

Back in Melbourne.....
I meant to to post a lot more during my 2 months in the USA but it didnt happen because I found myself a company willing to offer me a job.
So I have come back to get my E3 Visa. It lasts for 2 years and can be renewed. Its not a green card. You have to promise you will leave USA when the Visa expires.

Paperwork is due to arrive next week so I will be able to make my appointment at the Embassy.


drs said...

Miss Kerrin - I thought I was slack about posts. Where are you? What are you doing? Where's the view from your room?

drs said...

Miss Kerrin - I thought I was slack about posts. Where are you? What are you doing? Where's the view from your room?

An Outcast said...

Hellloooo?????? Where are you? Last I heard you were all but in the air. Have been laughing myself silly at the Annie video you sent amongst other things. Need more input! Starving for goss :)

Lori Olson said...

I wish you all the best with your
across the country adventure. You
are so brave. When I move to NC I
am having my car shipped. I don't like driving unfamilar tarritory due to the fact that I get lost very easily.
I once had a liencese plate that said don't follow me I'm lost. Boy
do I need that again.
Anyway have a wonderful trip. You are going at beautiful time of the year.
Keep in touch if you can.

Lori Olson