Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Last Trip for 2013

Objectives & Goals

  • Attend EuroQuest in Baltimore
  • Attend BGG Con in Dallas
  • Visit a state/place I havent been to before - Louisiana & Maui
  • Fly more than 28,000 miles to maintain my Premier Gold status with United

Maintaining my Premier Gold status allows me to

  • pick my seat with I book my ticket :-)
  • Free access to Economy Plus seating
  • Automatic free upgrades when available
  • Priority boarding
  • Priority baggage claim
  • More and heavier bags for free
  • Free access to Red Carpet Lounge on international flight days

A few years back I lost my status by a few thousand miles and it was awful. Decided to not let that happen again when it was achievable with some planning. You need to fly 50k miles in a calendar year to retain privileges for the following year. Melb - LAX is approx 15K round trip

My flights are quite complicated as I chose the longest path to achieve 28K miles within the dates I had. This is more complicated due to the timing of Thanksgiving. Its very busy and more expensive to fly on those dates so I will avoid them by doing a road trip during Thanksgiving.

I hit some locations more than once, so the lower letters are covered up. (click image to enlarge)

Segment 1 A(O) ,B(N),C, D 
Nov 10 - 18 Mel - Baltimore, MD. EuroQuest gaming convention

Segment 2 D,E,F
Nov 18 - 24 Dallas, TX, BGG Con gaming convention

Segment 3 F, G
Nov 24 - Dec 2  Road Trip - Dallas, TX - Tampa, FL via New Orleans

Segment 4 G, H, I(M), J
Dec 2 - Dec 6 Maui, HI

Segment 5 J, K (M), L
Dec 7 - 9 Houston, TX

Segment 6 L, M, N, O
Dec 9 - 11 Fly to Melbourne

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Travel 2013

Funds are tight this year until Oct 1, 2013 when I will have access to some travel money that "matures" on that date. Visiting friends and attending my 3rd World Boardgame Championships Convention.
Quick trip to San Francisco and Lancaster, PA. Got a great deal on the flight and accom in Lancaster was prepaid last year!