Friday, October 14, 2011

Big Trip 2011

Oct 16 - Depart Melbourne
Oct 16 - Land SFO
Oct 17 - Depart San Francisco - Frankfurt, Germany
Oct 18 - Train Frankfurt to Essen, Germany
Oct 18 - 24 - Essen Germany at the largest game fair with 150,000 others mostly families
Oct 24 - Fly to Chicago
Oct 25- Nov 2 - Road trip Route 66, Frank Lloyd Wright stuff Chicago - Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Racine, Chicago
Nov 2 - Nov 6 Fly to Baltimore to attend EuroQuest Board game stuff
Nov 7 - Nov 12 Fly to San Francisco - Bay Area hang out
Nov 13 - 15 North of San Francisco, tourist stuff
Nov 15 - Fly to Dallas Texas to attend BGG.con (Board game stuff)
Nov 20 - Fly to San Francisco
Nov 21 - Fly to Melbourne, Australia
Nov 23 - Land in Melbourne


Must fill this in

One day I will come back and fill in Nov 7, 2009 until Oct 2011
Here is a summary

Nov 2009, Road trip in USA until Dec 2009
Dec 2009 - mini Roadtrip in California
Jan 2010, Return to Australia
Adjust and find my feet
2 trips to USA,
April 2010 - housekeeping trip, tax, return car
August 2010 attend the World Board Game Championships in PA
Nov 2010 - have surgery to finally get that hernia attended to - all good :-)
Recover from Surgery
Jan 2011, Start working hard and saving money
Jul - Aug, 2011 - USA World Board Game championships for 2 weeks, and Queensland for 2 weeks
Start planning Oct Nov Trip