Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I drive to the office, it takes about 15 minutes even in peak hour. Merging onto the freeway is fun (not). Those loops to get on and off are so tight, you have to slow down so you dont spin out on the loop, them floor it to get up to speed to merge.
I love Google maps. It gives such great directions. You can also find a business in your area and it gives directions. eg closest McDonalds

The office is in a technology park, lots of new buildings and carparks that all look the same. This is a picture of Oracle. Our buildings have the same colour glass but not as big. The weather has been wet and dark so I havent been able to get a good picture.

Palo Alto

This is where I am staying with the builders truck parked in the driveway. The top two levels are being gutted and redone.
The street is just like Melbourne in Autumn.